
Jumat, 01 April 2011


Text Report menguras suatu hasil pengamatan, penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang, atau tempat participant pada Report cendrung general. Data yang tersaji umumnya berupa simpulan umum akan karakteristik, ciri dan atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant.

Tujuan text Report adalah untuk menggambarkan participant apa adanya bila yang di bicarakan suatu benda. Text Report lebih menyoroti fungsi dari benda tersebut

Text Repot lazimnya menyodorkan suatu generalisasi akan participant yang di ulas, generalisasi ini umumnya di dapat lewat membandingkan yang satu dengan yang lain yang tergolong participant yang sejenis.

Structure of Text Report
General Classification : Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan dan klarifikasinya
Description : Penginformasian Ciri-ciri umum/generalisasi yang dimiliki subjek misalnya sifat, pesikologis, prilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur khas, kualitas dan sejenisnya

Grammatical Feature
a. focus on Generic Participants
b. use of relational processes to state what is and what which it is
c. use a simple past tense
d. no temporal sequences


Title Different Types of Sea Mammals
General classification
Seals, sea lion and walruses live both on land and in the sea. When on dry land or on ice, They are every clumsy in their movements. But in the water they swim gracefully. They all leave the water for land or ice fields to give birth to their young.
Description The dolphins are larger. These animals are mainly fish eaters. Experiments show that dolphins are intelligent and can communicate with each other. They can be trained to perform various kinds of tricks and acts.
The highly intelligent killer where whale belongs to the dolphins family. Despite of its scary name, it has never been heard to attack human.

Text Exposition bertujuan untuk menyodorkan pendapat/ide/pendapat/argumen penulis akan suatu perkara/topik/permasalahan/fenomena. Terdapat dua fariasi dalam Text Exposition.
1. Analytical Exposition
Dalam Analytical Exposition penulis menyodorkan pandangan/ide/opini/pendapat. Suatu topik atau fenomena atau masalah perjudapat perhatian, ulasan atau penjelasan atau uraian atau data penguat. Tanpa dimunculkannya usaha untuk mempengaruhi/membujuk pembaca untuk memiliki sikap pro-kontra terhadap sesuatu. Analytical Exposition juga dikenal dengan istilah Argumentative.
Generic structure of Analytical Exposition
Thesis : Pernyataan pendapat penulis akan sesuatu kasus/fenomena
Argument : Terdiri dari poin atau inti masalah/perbandingan atau hal yang menjadi concern dan elaboration. Penjelasan atau pemaparan dari point.
Reiteration : Penguatan pernyataan

Unsur Kebahasaan yang digunakan Text Analytical Exposition

General noun misilnya pollution, car
Abstract noun misalnya policy, government
Jargon misalnya species, mammal
Modals misalnya must, should
Bahasa evaluative misalnya important, valuable
Kalimat passive

2. Hortatory Exposition
Text Hortatory Exposition bertujuan untuk menyodorkan pandangan/ide/opini/pendapat untuk mempengaruhi/membujuk pembaca untuk memiliki sikap pro-kontra terhadap sesuatu dan atau mengajak pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu. Hortatory Exposition juga dikenal dengan istilah Persuasive

Generic structure of hortatory Exposition
Thesis : pernyataan pendapat penulis akan suatu kasus/fenomena atau issue hal yang dipersoalkan
Argument : alasan mengapa ada keprihatinan dan pengaruh pada saran atau rekomendasi
Re-Commendation : pernyataan tentang bagai mana seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya sesuatu ada atau dilakukan.

Unsur Kebahasaan Text Hortatory Exposition
Abstract noun misalnya polisi, government
Jargon misalnya species, mammal
Modals misalnya must, should
Bahasa evaluatif misalnya important, valuable
Kalimat passive
Thinking verb misalnya I believe, I think

Analytical Exposition
In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government. All of there levels of government are necessary. This is so for a number of reasons.
First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defense. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle-sized things. For example they look after low and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools. Finally, local governments look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseases.
Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of government are necessary.

Hortatory Exposition
Thesis In all the discussion over he removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there doesn't teem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.
Argument While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the county, where you only see another car very five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don't seen to appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one's own vehicle is the only way to get about.
Re-commendation I feel that country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a spec deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live.

1. Who : Bersifat kata orang {she, he}
2. Whom : Bersifat kata orang {me, you, her, him, than, us, it}
3. Whose : Bersifat kata orang {her, his, my, your, our, their, its}
4. Which : Bersifat kata benda {me, you, her, their, us, it}
I thanked the woman. She helped me
I thanked the woman. Who helped me
The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him
The man whom was Mr. Jones I raw
the people were very nice. We visited than yesterday
the people were very nice. Whom we visited yesterday
I apologized the woman. I spelled her coffee
I apologized the woman Whose I spelled coffee
I know the man His bicycle was stolen
I know the man Whose bicycle was stolen
the book was good. I red it
the book which I red was good
the move wasn't very good. We say it last night
the move wasn't very good which we say last night.


Asking for opinion
1. What do you think for/if...
2. Do you think...
3. What's your opinion about...
4. What your idea about...
Giving for opinion
1. In myopinion abaut...
2. I think...
3. in myview...
4. I assume...
What's your opinion about mrs.Dini?
In myopinion about mrs.Dini is beautiful, she is have high body and in studying she is very explicit. He student late go to school, she give a punishment which hard.

The Expression of love :
I love son much
I love you, baby
I do care about you
I really care about you
I like you, honey
You are my love, sweetheart
My dear, I always think about you

The expression of sadness :
I am feeding so sad
I am really sad
Please make leaved me alone
It’s the sadness day in my live
You make me sad

Merupakan untuk menunjukan sikap atau posisi seseorang penutur akan suatu masalah/pendapat/situasi.
Enquiring about (mencari tahu pendapat)
Wouldn't you agree ( that )...?
Wouldn't you say (that)...?
Don't you think (that)...?
Expressing agreement (menyatakan persetujuan)
I agree (with you)
You are right
That' right
I know
Expressing disagreement (menyatakan tidak persetujuan)
I disagree
I don't agree
I am not sure (about that)
I don't know (about that)
I am cann't agree

go away:
I have you:
Shouth your mounth:
X: I will go away because I'm anger some you
Y: I'm sorry, I must make you anger

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